Monday, June 30, 2008

So Much Going On!

So, I don't have any pictures with this blog, but I thought that I would update everyone on what is going on in our busy life. James moved to Vegas at the beginning of the summer to sell pest control with Justin. I never realized how hard single moms have it, but dang it is hard. I am going to make a paper chain for the days left in the summer. Then I have a good count down for when James is permanently home.
Charlie is trying to be potty trained, but has a hard time with not having accidents at home. He does so good at daycare, I just think that he gets lazy at home. The other day, he had an accident, but didn't let any of us know. Instead, he took off his clothes and took a bath in the sink. I went to check on him and he was sitting cross legged in the sink with some soap washing up. At least he know when to get clean. Anyway, we are working on it. Logan is trying really hard to be "the man of the house". He is a good at helping me out when he wants to.
I have learned not to let them sleep in my bed while James is away. Charlie grinds his teeth something awful. It sounds like he is chewing on popcorn kernels. Logan loves to be close to someone, so he is close to Charlie, thus Charlie moves closer to me. I finally ended up sleeping on the floor. You would think that a king size bed would be big enough for only three of us, but think again.

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