So Kaycee, Lyssa and I went to Vegas to the Barnes and Noble Breaking Dawn Party. It was crazy all the little kids running around dressed up to look like Prom Queens. There were even a couple of kids the dressed up like I think warewolves, but looked more like hairy cats. A couple of indians even joined the group.

We were at the Store til almost 1:00 am Vegas time. It was crazy. The employees of Barnes and Noble were way irritated at all the noisy obsessed kids and kept yelling at them to back up and shut up. Then once all was quiet the guy wanted to know if we were "having a good time?" Of course no one yelled because he just told everyone to shut up. It was nuts. They ended up selling 370 books that night. Anyway, I FINISHED THE BOOK!! I know, already. I loved it but am going to miss something to look forward too. I guess I'll just have to keep calling James Edward and go on with my life. (just kidding about calling James Edward... I asked, he wouldn't let me :)